

A Practical Guide to Localization

  • 作者:Bert Esselink
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:本地化行业概述,本地化技术(翻译、排版、工程、质量保证、项目管理)。
  • 推荐理由:全面学习本地化技术的权威书籍。



Translation and Localization Project Management


Over the past three decades, translation has evolved from a profession practiced largely by individuals to a cottage industry model and finally to a formally recognized industrial sector that is project-based, heavily outsourced and that encompasses a wide range of services in addition to translation. As projects have grown in size, scope and complexity, and as project teams have become increasingly distributed across geographies, time zones, languages and cultures, formalized project management has emerged as both a business requirement and a critical success factor for language service providers. In recognition of these developments, this volume examines the application of project management concepts, tools and techniques to translation and localization projects. The contributors are seasoned practitioners and scholars who offer insights into the central role of project management in the language industry today and discuss best-practice approaches to the adaptation of generic project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for translation and localization projects.



A Practical Guide to Localization

  • 作者:Bert Esselink
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:本地化行业概述,本地化技术(翻译、排版、工程、质量保证、项目管理)。
  • 推荐理由:全面学习本地化技术的权威书籍。




  • 作者:王华伟,王华树
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:《翻译项目管理实务》是项目管理知识在翻译行业中具体运用与实施的开山之作。本书详细介绍了翻译项目启动、计划、执行、收尾等四大阶段的管理,探讨了翻译服务相关的核心要素(如翻译沟通管理、项目质量管理、语言资产管理、项目财务管理等)以及项目管理部分关联要素(如何利用系统的项目管理知识管理第一个项目、如何基于MCAT分解体系编制项目WBS,如何在项目运用中综合利用多种生产工具,如何选择并运用专业的项目管理系统等),旨在帮助项目经理专注于与翻译服务相关的一些关键要素,最大限度地窥探翻译项目管理的奥秘,从而在最短的时间内把握翻译项目管理的精髓,将自己锻造成一名优秀的项目经理。


Translation and Localization Project Management


Over the past three decades, translation has evolved from a profession practiced largely by individuals to a cottage industry model and finally to a formally recognized industrial sector that is project-based, heavily outsourced and that encompasses a wide range of services in addition to translation. As projects have grown in size, scope and complexity, and as project teams have become increasingly distributed across geographies, time zones, languages and cultures, formalized project management has emerged as both a business requirement and a critical success factor for language service providers. In recognition of these developments, this volume examines the application of project management concepts, tools and techniques to translation and localization projects. The contributors are seasoned practitioners and scholars who offer insights into the central role of project management in the language industry today and discuss best-practice approaches to the adaptation of generic project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for translation and localization projects.



Guide to Macintosh Software Localization

  • 作者:Addison-Wesley Professional.
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:全面论述Apple Macintosh软件本地化技术的书籍。
  • 推荐理由:内容全面,专业性强。




The Game Localization Handbook

  • 作者Heather M Chandler
  • 说明:As games become more popular in international markets, developers and publishers need to know how to capitalize on these opportunities quickly. The Game Localization Handbook is a comprehensive guide to producing localized games for any platform. Written for producers, translators, development personnel, studio management, publishers, and anyone involved directly or indirectly with the production of localized games, the book provides insightful guidelines to all the tasks involved. The topics covered are divided into five main areas that provide details on the major aspects of game localization. The first part defines localizations and discusses how to start thinking in a global mindset. It provides a general overview of each phase of the localization process, including localization, internationalization, and software age ratings requirements. The next section discusses how to plan your localizations. You’ll also find details on what pre-production tasks are required, along with specifics on creating localization-friendly code, working with third-party vendors, console submissions processes, and determining budgets, schedules, and staffing needs. Part three delves into the core of the production process and discusses what is involved in producing final, code-released localized versions. Practical information is also presented on organizing assets for translations, asset integration, and testing. The next section focuses on the tasks that happen after the bulk of the games localization is finished, including marketing, creating localized demos, and assembling localization kits. In the final part, you’ll explore common localization pitfalls and ways to avoid them, including a case study of the localization of the Xbox?version of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Island Thunder. If you’re part of the development teamed tasked with localizing your games, this is a must-have resource!



  • 作者:王华伟 崔启亮等
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书共分为四个部分,系统阐述了本地化行业的所有相关知识 


    • 第一部分:本地化基础知识介绍了与本地化相关的所有背景性的基础知识,包括本地化、国际化、全球化、外包以及本地化在中国的发展。
    • 第二部分:本地化专业知识针对本地化的几个主要领域进行了系统而深入的介绍,包括本地化语言、本地化工程、本地化测试、本地化项目管理,内容涵盖该领域的主要标准、最新进展、通用流程等。本部分适合从事相关工作的本地化人员进一步了解专业知识。
    • 第三部分:本地化实务指南主要从实际进行本地化工作的角度诠释如何展开具体的操作。
    • 第四部分:本地化资源一览介绍当前与本地化相关的一些主要资源,包括常见的本地化术语速查、主要本地化厂商介绍,以及本地化行业常用工具介绍。。
  • 推荐理由:中国第一本全面学习本地化技术的书籍。



Localization Management: Lessons from the Experts


  • 简介:免费电子书,需要使用公司邮箱注册下载,http://www2.milengo.com/localization-management-ebook



Enabling Globalization: A Guide to Using Localization to Penetrate International Markets


  • 作者:Nabil Freij
  • 说 明:We’ve built this guide because despite the need, nothing like it exists: a concise, step-by-step handbook for globalization and localization in the new millennium.

Companies come to us with a desire to go global but unsure of what the process entails. Some face a Catch-22 dilemma. They want to penetrate international markets, but cannot justify the associated costs.

Others – some who have been selling overseas and localizing for years – want to know more about the new tools and processes that will improve both their results and their bottom line.

Welcome to Enabling Globalization: A Guide to Using Localization to Penetrate International Markets. Here you will find the practical advice you need to start on your way and follow through to a successful global release of your products or website.



Localization: A Global Manifesto


  • 作者:Colin Hines
  • 说 明:Localization is a manifesto to unite all those who recognize the importance of cultural, social and ecological diversity for our future – and who do not aspire to a monolithic global consumer culture. It is a passionate and persuasive polemic, challenging the claims that we have to be ‘internationally competitive’ to survive and describing the destructive consequences of globalization. This book is unique in going beyond simply criticizing free trade and globalization trends. It details self-reinforcing policies to create local self-sufficiency and shows clearly that there is an alternative to globalization – to protect the local, globally.



The Guide to Translation and Localization: Preparing for the Global Marketplace

  • 作者:Lingo Systems Inc.
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:从软件开发商的角度,全面论述软件/网站本地化本地化技术(翻译、排版、工程、质量保证、项目管理。
  • 推荐理由:内容全面,深入浅出,可读性强。


Business Without Borders: A Strategic Guide to Global Marketing

    • 作者:Donald A. DePalma
    • 语言:英文
    • 简介:全面论述公司全球化战略、产品国际化技术的专著。
    • 推荐理由:适合国际化公司高层和技术专家阅读。



XML Internationalization and Localization


  • 作者:Yves Savourel
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:论述XML文档和应用程序国际化技术,提高XML数据本地化能力的方法。
  • 推荐理由:适合软件/文档本地化技术人员阅读。





  • 作者:崔启亮 胡一鸣
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书阐述了国际化软件测试的根本问题,深入剖析了如何有效进行软件国际化测试和软件本地化测试,旨在帮助读者学习和掌握国际化软件测试的概念、技术、流程、方法和市场状况,分享业界同行的最佳实践 





    • 国际化软件测试主要包括软件国际化测试和软件本地化两个阶段。本书将围绕这两个主题深入、详细的进行论述。软件外包测试与国际化软件测试紧密相关,本书最后将对其进行简要介绍。
    • 全书分为三个部分:国际化软件基础,国际化软件测试,软件外包测试展望。每一部分根据内容的逻辑性和重要性分多章分别论述一个主题,每章以概述开始,随后重点阐述专题内容,最后进行本章小结。。






  • 作者:Dr. International
  • 译者:沈凤
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书主要讲述了开发国际化软件所涉及的根本问题,深入剖析了怎样开发全球可用的应用程序。书中涵盖了最新的技术和内幕,并且是为那些希望为Microsoft Windows 2000和Windows XP平台编写全球可用代码的人员编写的。 
    • 本书说明了如何以最少的资金和精力,将应用程序本地化、怎样确定文化特定的重要问题、怎样避开和国际化有关的陷阱以及怎样使用最佳的技术和编码方法等。本书揭示了怎样开发全球用户都能使用的应用程序,在第1版的基础上做了一些修订和更新,以涵盖最新的技术和内幕。
    • 该书说明了怎样不用花费太多力气和金钱而将应用程序本地化、怎样确定文化特定的重要问题、怎样避开和国际化有关的陷阱及法律问题。怎样使用最佳的技术和编码方法等等。
  • 推荐理由:这本书是为那些希望为Microsoft Windows 2000和Windows XP平台编写国际化代码的人员而编写的。



Internationalization and Localization Using Microsoft .NET

  • 作者:Nick Symmonds
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:This book is intended to be a comprehensive discussion of how to localize code using Visual Studio .NET. Author Nick Symmonds knows the advantages of preparing for localization in the design stage and the disadvantages of localizing a project after the fact, and he discusses both methods of localizing code in this book. 
    • All aspects of localization are examined, from handling date, time, and currency and text data, to developing multilingual user interfaces and help files.
    • He also covers Visual Studio’s localization features and tools in depth and presents the pros and cons of each to the reader. 。
  • 推荐理由:本书适合使用Microsoft .NET从事国际化软件开发人员和本地化技术人员阅读。



Guide to Macintosh Software Localization

  • 作者:Addison-Wesley Professional.
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:全面论述Apple Macintosh软件本地化技术的书籍。
  • 推荐理由:内容全面,专业性强。


The Game Localization Handbook

  • 作者Heather M Chandler
  • 说明:As games become more popular in international markets, developers and publishers need to know how to capitalize on these opportunities quickly. The Game Localization Handbook is a comprehensive guide to producing localized games for any platform. Written for producers, translators, development personnel, studio management, publishers, and anyone involved directly or indirectly with the production of localized games, the book provides insightful guidelines to all the tasks involved. The topics covered are divided into five main areas that provide details on the major aspects of game localization. The first part defines localizations and discusses how to start thinking in a global mindset. It provides a general overview of each phase of the localization process, including localization, internationalization, and software age ratings requirements. The next section discusses how to plan your localizations. You’ll also find details on what pre-production tasks are required, along with specifics on creating localization-friendly code, working with third-party vendors, console submissions processes, and determining budgets, schedules, and staffing needs. Part three delves into the core of the production process and discusses what is involved in producing final, code-released localized versions. Practical information is also presented on organizing assets for translations, asset integration, and testing. The next section focuses on the tasks that happen after the bulk of the games localization is finished, including marketing, creating localized demos, and assembling localization kits. In the final part, you’ll explore common localization pitfalls and ways to avoid them, including a case study of the localization of the Xbox?version of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Island Thunder. If you’re part of the development teamed tasked with localizing your games, this is a must-have resource!


  • 作者:王华伟 崔启亮等
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书共分为四个部分,系统阐述了本地化行业的所有相关知识 


    • 第一部分:本地化基础知识介绍了与本地化相关的所有背景性的基础知识,包括本地化、国际化、全球化、外包以及本地化在中国的发展。
    • 第二部分:本地化专业知识针对本地化的几个主要领域进行了系统而深入的介绍,包括本地化语言、本地化工程、本地化测试、本地化项目管理,内容涵盖该领域的主要标准、最新进展、通用流程等。本部分适合从事相关工作的本地化人员进一步了解专业知识。
    • 第三部分:本地化实务指南主要从实际进行本地化工作的角度诠释如何展开具体的操作。
    • 第四部分:本地化资源一览介绍当前与本地化相关的一些主要资源,包括常见的本地化术语速查、主要本地化厂商介绍,以及本地化行业常用工具介绍。。
  • 推荐理由:中国第一本全面学习本地化技术的书籍。


Localization Management: Lessons from the Experts


  • 简介:免费电子书,需要使用公司邮箱注册下载,http://www2.milengo.com/localization-management-ebook


Enabling Globalization: A Guide to Using Localization to Penetrate International Markets


  • 作者:Nabil Freij
  • 说 明:We’ve built this guide because despite the need, nothing like it exists: a concise, step-by-step handbook for globalization and localization in the new millennium.

Companies come to us with a desire to go global but unsure of what the process entails. Some face a Catch-22 dilemma. They want to penetrate international markets, but cannot justify the associated costs.

Others – some who have been selling overseas and localizing for years – want to know more about the new tools and processes that will improve both their results and their bottom line.

Welcome to Enabling Globalization: A Guide to Using Localization to Penetrate International Markets. Here you will find the practical advice you need to start on your way and follow through to a successful global release of your products or website.


Localization: A Global Manifesto


  • 作者:Colin Hines
  • 说 明:Localization is a manifesto to unite all those who recognize the importance of cultural, social and ecological diversity for our future – and who do not aspire to a monolithic global consumer culture. It is a passionate and persuasive polemic, challenging the claims that we have to be ‘internationally competitive’ to survive and describing the destructive consequences of globalization. This book is unique in going beyond simply criticizing free trade and globalization trends. It details self-reinforcing policies to create local self-sufficiency and shows clearly that there is an alternative to globalization – to protect the local, globally.


The Guide to Translation and Localization: Preparing for the Global Marketplace

  • 作者:Lingo Systems Inc.
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:从软件开发商的角度,全面论述软件/网站本地化本地化技术(翻译、排版、工程、质量保证、项目管理。
  • 推荐理由:内容全面,深入浅出,可读性强。

Business Without Borders: A Strategic Guide to Global Marketing

    • 作者:Donald A. DePalma
    • 语言:英文
    • 简介:全面论述公司全球化战略、产品国际化技术的专著。
    • 推荐理由:适合国际化公司高层和技术专家阅读。


XML Internationalization and Localization


  • 作者:Yves Savourel
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:论述XML文档和应用程序国际化技术,提高XML数据本地化能力的方法。
  • 推荐理由:适合软件/文档本地化技术人员阅读。



  • 作者:崔启亮 胡一鸣
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书阐述了国际化软件测试的根本问题,深入剖析了如何有效进行软件国际化测试和软件本地化测试,旨在帮助读者学习和掌握国际化软件测试的概念、技术、流程、方法和市场状况,分享业界同行的最佳实践 




    • 国际化软件测试主要包括软件国际化测试和软件本地化两个阶段。本书将围绕这两个主题深入、详细的进行论述。软件外包测试与国际化软件测试紧密相关,本书最后将对其进行简要介绍。
    • 全书分为三个部分:国际化软件基础,国际化软件测试,软件外包测试展望。每一部分根据内容的逻辑性和重要性分多章分别论述一个主题,每章以概述开始,随后重点阐述专题内容,最后进行本章小结。。





  • 作者:Dr. International
  • 译者:沈凤
  • 语言:中文
  • 简介:本书主要讲述了开发国际化软件所涉及的根本问题,深入剖析了怎样开发全球可用的应用程序。书中涵盖了最新的技术和内幕,并且是为那些希望为Microsoft Windows 2000和Windows XP平台编写全球可用代码的人员编写的。 


    • 本书说明了如何以最少的资金和精力,将应用程序本地化、怎样确定文化特定的重要问题、怎样避开和国际化有关的陷阱以及怎样使用最佳的技术和编码方法等。本书揭示了怎样开发全球用户都能使用的应用程序,在第1版的基础上做了一些修订和更新,以涵盖最新的技术和内幕。
    • 该书说明了怎样不用花费太多力气和金钱而将应用程序本地化、怎样确定文化特定的重要问题、怎样避开和国际化有关的陷阱及法律问题。怎样使用最佳的技术和编码方法等等。
  • 推荐理由:这本书是为那些希望为Microsoft Windows 2000和Windows XP平台编写国际化代码的人员而编写的。


Internationalization and Localization Using Microsoft .NET

  • 作者:Nick Symmonds
  • 语言:英文
  • 简介:This book is intended to be a comprehensive discussion of how to localize code using Visual Studio .NET. Author Nick Symmonds knows the advantages of preparing for localization in the design stage and the disadvantages of localizing a project after the fact, and he discusses both methods of localizing code in this book. 


    • All aspects of localization are examined, from handling date, time, and currency and text data, to developing multilingual user interfaces and help files.
    • He also covers Visual Studio’s localization features and tools in depth and presents the pros and cons of each to the reader. 。
  • 推荐理由:本书适合使用Microsoft .NET从事国际化软件开发人员和本地化技术人员阅读。